How Dwayne Johnson Brought Black Adam Into Life

Dwayne Johnson's Black Adam: The Most Interesting Character In the DCEU

Photo by GDJ on Pixabay

Black Adam has been through a lot. Since his debut in the final panel of 1945’s “Adventures of Captain Marvel” #

Who is Black Adam?

Black Adam is one of the most powerful superheroes in the Marvel Universe. His powers include flight, super strength, invulnerability, and the ability to shoot energy blasts from his hands. In terms of personality, he is the opposite of Captain Marvel. Whereas Marvel is a positive, friendly hero, Black Adam is a violent anti-hero. He is arrogant, aggressive, and ruthless. He believes he must kill the bad guys to make the world a better place. Also, he uses his powers to rule the country of Kahndaq as a dictator.

Possible Story for Black Adam in the DCEU

The Black Adam story that makes the most sense in the DCEU is a slight variation on his origin story. In this version, Teth-Adam was a military general in Kahndaq who was tasked with stopping militant insurgents. However, in his attempt to end the war quickly, he went too far and killed many non-combatants, including children. Feeling guilty, he turned himself in and was sentenced to death. Feeling that the only way to make up for his mistake was to give up his life, he was waiting to be executed when Captain Marvel showed up and offered him a deal. Captain Marvel offered to let Teth-Adam keep his life if he promised to use his powers to protect people instead of harm them. Teth-Adam accepted the deal, but later regretted it because he wasn’t allowed to kill the people who had hurt his people. This leads to a climactic battle where Black Adam tries to break his end of the deal. Captain Marvel stops him and explains that his sacrifice means that Black Adam can never break the deal. This leads to Black Adam swearing vengeance on Captain Marvel, who will now have to defend himself against the most powerful being on the planet.

Why Black Adam Could Be The DCEU’s Biggest Success

As someone who has read nearly every Captain Marvel/Black Adam story ever written, I can tell you that Black Adam is the most compelling character in the DCEU. He is a character who has been shaped by tragedies and mistakes, but he has become an anti-hero who genuinely believes that the world would be better off if he ruled it with an iron fist. This can be a challenging story to tell because you have to make the audience like a character who is murdering people, but if it’s pulled off successfully, it can be incredibly moving. Black Adam’s path to becoming a villain is something that could be explored throughout the DCEU, and the payoff could be a climactic battle between Captain Marvel and Black Adam that lasts for multiple movies. In fact, a story like this would be the perfect way to end the DCEU.

Why People Might Hate Black Adam

If Black Adam’s story is told poorly, people might hate him. This can happen with any character, but there are a few reasons why Black Adam could be especially polarizing. First, there is the fact that he is basically a murderous dictator. This could make him seem like a very unsympathetic character. Second, the DCEU has generally avoided stories about politics, and Black Adam’s story is inherently political. This is a story about terrorism, war crimes, and the path to rehabilitation. It is a story that could be incredibly challenging to tell and could make people uncomfortable. Finally, Black Adam’s origin story is that a military leader turned himself in to be executed, but he was saved by a hero who made a deal with him. This could be seen as a pretty preachy commentary on the death penalty.


These are just a few of the things that make Black Adam such an interesting character. He has been through a lot, and he has made a lot of bad decisions. He has also made a few good decisions, but he is always fighting with himself because he knows that he is capable of great evil. He is a compelling and dynamic character who could be the glue that holds the DCEU together. Hopefully, he will be given the opportunity to shine in the future.

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